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Merki Treuhand AG - EN
Martin-Disteli-Strasse 9
4600 Olten, CH
Tel. +41 62 207 30 40

Fabienne Büttiker

Buettiker Fabienne Hobby neu

Finance and accounting specialist with federal certificate of proficiency

Social security specialist with federal diploma

I completed my commercial training at Aerztetreuhand Glutz AG in Olten. I then worked for 5 years in the surgical department of the cantonal hospital in Aarau and trained part-time as a medical secretary. After another 10 years at Merz AG, where I was responsible for administration and accounting, I took up a seasonal position as hut warden at the Planura hut in Glarus. Afterwards, I completed a 6-month language stay in Australia and took up an international position with Elliott Group as an HR Assistant for 4 years. Since May 2012 I have been part of the Solidis team and during this time I have trained as a specialist in finance and accounting as well as a social insurance specialist with a federal certificate.

In my free time, I enjoy being outdoors with Milo and I live out my artistic vein by making pottery, painting and creating greeting cards. In quieter times I like to read a book.